Wen-Nan Hsieh |
謝文男 講師
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- Hsieh, Wennan. "The Hero Archetype in Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory, The Heart of the Matter, and A Burnt-out Case." STUDIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERARTURE
英語語言與文學學刊, (NTUST) No.4,1998:73-81
- Hsieh, Wennan. "The Conflict between Good and Evil in Beowulf: A Christian Perspective," STUDIES IN ENGLISHLANGUAGE AND LITERARTURE英語語言與文學學刊,
No.2, NTUST, 1997:153-60.
- Hsieh, Wennan. "Roland Barthes' Semiological Approach to Literature," STUDIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERARTURE英語語言與文學學刊, No.1, Taipei:
Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST),1996:13-21
- Hsieh, Wennan. "F.O.Matthiessen's Hawthorne's Psychology: the Acceptance of Good and Evil," Echo, No.9, Department of English (CCU),1988:1-4.
- Hsieh, Wennan. "A Comparative Study of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Wu Cheng-en's Journeyto the West," No.1,Ta-Hua Journal, Hsinchu: Ta-Hua College of Technology ,1975: 91-108.
- Hsieh, Wennan. "The Quest for Ideal, Self, & Truth: the Hope in Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, and Melville," Echo, No.7, Department of English, Chinese Culture University (CCU),1986: 43-47.
- Hsieh, Wennan. "A Comparative Study of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Wu Cheng-en's Journey to the West," No.1,大華學報, Hsinchu:大華工專, 1975: 91-108.
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- Hsieh, Wennan. "Good and Evil: Christianity in Beowulf," 中華民國第二屆英美文學研討會論文集,
成大外文系主編,台北:書林出版社, pp.435-451 (1987) 。
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- Hsieh, Wennan. An Archetypal Approach to Graham Greene's Three Major Novels: The Power and the Glory, The Heart of Matter, and a Burnt-Out Case. Taipei: The Chinese Culture University Press (1981).
- 謝文男 ,「英語字彙用法」 中英文周刊(1982-1987),台北
- 謝文男 ,「英文辨義詞選粹」中英文周刊(1987-1988),台北
- Hsieh, Wennan ed. Modern English Reader for College Students. 台北;大海文化事業公司 (1989).
- 謝文男編譯 ,《現代專科英文選》台北;大海文化事業公司 (1990).
- Hsieh, Wennan ed. Modern English Reader for College Students. recorded by Patrick & Carmella.(台大視聽中心張振生教授監製) 台北;大海文化事業公司 (1990).
- 鄧樂然、謝文男等編著 ,「遠東漢英大辭典」(擴編版), 台北:遠東圖書公司 (1991).
- 謝文男 ,「西洋文學的淵源:略談三大傳統之特色」工程通訊,第1期,Taipei: NTUST (2000).
- 謝文男 ,「西洋諺語選粹」工程通訊,第3期,Taipei: NTUST (2001).
- 謝文男 ,「A Brief Introduction to Herman Melville ' s Moby-Dick:The White Whale 」
(漢英對照)工程通訊,第3期,Taipei: NTUST (2002).