Wen-Jiun Huang |
黃玟君 助理教授
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- 2007嗆新字
- 用英文寫台灣:英文作文35篇
- 和英文系學生一起上:英語聽說課
- 用英文不用學英文—聽說、單字、基礎句型篇
- 用英文不用學英文—閱讀、寫作、進階句型篇
- 字典不能教你的—英文超新詞)
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- Huang, W. J. (2002, August). The Interaction between
Racial/cultural/linguistic Identities and Schooling: Effective Education of Asian American Students. Studies In English Language and Literature.
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
No. 10, 33-44.
- Huang, W. J. (2001, August). Distance Education in Second Language
Education: A Brief Review. Studies In English Language and Literature.
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
No. 9, 9-15.
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- Huang, W. J. (2004, November). 培養台灣留學生的語言與文化認同:台灣英語教師的角色。
Paper presented at the Thirteenth International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Huang, W. J. (2004, March). 多元文化教育與全球教育:台灣英語教學的另一個思考方向
Proceeding of the Symposium on Globalization and Indigenization, Soochow University, pp. 87-105, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Huang, W. J. (2003, November).培養學生多元與積極的語言/文化認同:台灣英語教學的反思與期待。
Proceeding of the Twelfth International Symposium on English Teaching. pp. 227-239, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Huang, W. J. (2001, April). The Interaction between Asian American High School Students’ Linguistic/cultural/ethnic Identities and Schooling. Paper presented at the International Conferences of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.
- Huang, W. J. (2000, March). Culture creep: Teaching English as a foreign language to Chinese speakers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Foreign Language Association, Toledo, OH.
- Huang, W. J. (2000, February). Multicultural education in practice: The effectiveness in helping Asian American students succeed in schools. Paper presented at the International Conferences of the International Association of Asian Studies, Houston, TX.
- Huang, W. J. (2000, February). Multicultural education and theories of identity development: Role and significance in preparing teachers for Asian American students. Paper presented at the International Conferences of the International Association of Asian Studies, Houston, TX.
- Merryfield, M. M., Huang, W. J. & Others. (1999, October). Countering the hidden curriculum of Western hegemony through cross-cultural experiential learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the JCT National Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH.
- Huang, W. J. (1999, June). Distance education in second language acquisition. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Ohio Chinese American Professional Association, Columbus, OH.
- Huang, W. J. (1999, June). Multiculturalism in helping Asian American students succeed in school. Paper presented at the Diversity Conference and Graduate Student Symposium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
- Huang, W. J. (1999, May). How can I help my Asian students: Strategies for Social Studies/TESOL teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Council for the Social Studies, Columbus, OH.
- Huang, W. J. (1999, April). Second language acquisition and social identity among Asian immigrants in the United States. Paper presented at the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
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- Co-coordinator. 教育部94年度技專校院英語教學資源中心
(Ministry of Education, Project No. 0940102596) (04/2005~07/2006)
- Coordinator. "Taiwanese graduate students in the United States: The difficulties faced and their impact on the students' linguistic/cultural/racial identity development"
(NSC, Project No. NSC 92-2413-H-011-001)(08/2003~07/2004)
- Co-coordinator. "第二梯次「提昇大學基礎教育計畫」:Learning Resources Center and Intensive English programs"(Ministry of Education, Project No. 乙-91-FA25-4)(09/2003~08/2006)
- Co-coordinator. "九十一年度技專院校發展學校特色暨提升教學品質專案補助計畫:Improving Students' English Ability"
(Ministry of Education, Project No. 台(91)技(2)字第91092480號)。(07/2002~12/2002)
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- Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2000). What is the Experience of Learning in an Interpretation Automaticity Development Course Designed Based on the Concepts of Cooperative Learning. A project funded by the ROC National Science Council.
(NSC Project Number) NSC under grant NSC 89-2411-H-011-011