Sheng-Jie Chen |
陳聖傑 助理教授
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E-mail:shengjie@mail.ntust.edu.tw or ntustjason@yahoo.com
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- Director of the Translation Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Republic of China since 2008
- Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology since 2001
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- Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- MA in Western Literature, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan
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- National Science Council Research Grant, "Computer Assisted Interpreter Training", 2007-2008
- National Science Council Research Grant, "The Design and Implementation of a Negotiation Interpretation Program", 2004-2005
- National Science Council Research Grant, "The Application of Cooperative Learning in Interpreter Training”, 2001-2002
- Ministry of Education Research Grant, Co-investigator, "The Plan for Establishing a Resources Center of Universities of Science and Technology", 2005
- Ministry of Education Research Grant, Co-investigator, "The Plan for Raising the Foreign Language Abilities of Universities of Science and Technology", 2004
- Ministry of Education Research Grant, Co-investigator, "The Plan for Becoming a Top-level University and Enhancing the Foreign Language Abilities", 2003
- National Science Council Travel Grant to attend TILS 2008 Conference at the University of Macerata, Italy, 2008
- National Science Council Travel Grant to attend INTERPRETA 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2007
- Travel Grant from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. to attend the Conference on New Technologies in Real Time Intralingual Subtitling (University of Bologna at Forli). 2006
- Travel Grant from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology to attend NUCITTA Conference at the University of New Castle upon Tyne, 2007
- Travel Grant from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology to attend International Conference on Literature, Languages & Linguistics in Athens, Greece, 2008
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- Instructor, Extension Program, Austin Community College, USA, 1998
- Assistant Professor, Yunlin University of Science and Technology, 1999-2001
- Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, since 2001
- Visiting professor, School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators, the University of Bologna at Forli, Italy, 2006
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- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2006) Real-time subtitling in Taiwan: a case study. TRAlinea: Online Translation Journal. (http://www.intralinea.it/specials/respeaking/ita_more.php?id=455_0_41_0_M ), Italy.
- Sheng-Jie Chen (2004). The Implication and development of a subtitling program using the decomposition model. Studies in English Language and Literature, 13, 1-20.
- Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2004). Linguistic dimensions of subtitling: Perspectives from Taiwan. META: Translators’ Journal. V. 49, No.1, 115-124. (Part of a project funded by the ROC National Science Council under grant number NSC 91-2516-S-011-002).
- Chen, Sheng-Jie Chen. (2006). Consecutive sight interpretation on TV---A case study. Selected Papers from May and June 2006 Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation 35-48.
- Liu , Chan-keng, & Chen, Sheng-jie. (2006). Communicative aspects of phonetics: problems and solutions—A Taiwan case study, Studies in English Language and Literature, 17, 1-14.
- Huang, Tzu-ling, & Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2006). The application of portfolio assessment in interpreter training. The Proceedings of 2006 InternationalConference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics, 147-155
- Sheng-Jie Chen (2008). Computer assisted interpreter training—A case study. A paper presented at TILS (Translation, Interpretation, and Language for Specific Purposes) Conference at the University of Macerata, Italy, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2008.
- Sheng-Jie Chen, (2007). Interpreting solo at international conferences. A paper presented at INTERPRETA, July 27-28, 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Sheng-jie Chen. (2007). Computer assisted interpreter training--A pilot study. A paper presented at NUCITTA (the Newcastle University Conference on Interpreter and Translator Training and Assessment), 9-10 Sept, 2007.
- Sheng-Jie Chen (2007). The Design and Implementation of a Negotiation Interpretation Course.翻譯與跨文化交流:轉向與拓展:首屆海峽兩岸翻譯與跨文化交流研討會論文集,中國:上海外語教育出版社PP.,365-381.
- 陳聖傑(2003). In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation簡評,翻譯學研究集刊第8輯 , 頁195-197。
- Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2004). Linguistic dimensions of subtitling: A Taiwan case study. META : Translators' Journal . V. 49, No.1, 115-124.(Part of a project funded by the ROC National Science Council under grant number NSC 91-2516-S-011-002).
- Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2002). Linguistic challenges of subtitling and coping solutions. Studies in Translation and Interpretation . 7, 137-160. (Part of a project funded by the ROC National Science Council under grant number NSC 91-2516-S-011-002).
- Chen, Sheng-Jie & Hensey, Fritz G. (2002). An Evaluation of improvised interpreter-training equipment. Studies in English Language and Literature , No. 10, pp. 1-7.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2001). Coaching undergraduate students to interpret at an international conference. Studies in English Language and Literature, No. 9, pp. 1–8.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2001). The process of becoming a conference interpreter—A case study. Studies in English Language and Literature, No. 9, 57-63.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2001). Applying mnemonic devices to the teaching of interpretation—A Taiwan case study. Weh Shan Review , vol. 1, No. 4., pp. 189-213.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2001). Interpreter training using cooperative learning approaches and improvised simultaneous interpreting equipment. ATA Chronicle: A Publication of the American Translators Association, Vol. 30, No. 10, 2001, pp.30-33.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2000). The application of mnemonic devices to interpreter training. The ATA Chronicle: A Publication of the American Translators Association, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 60-63.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2002). Consecutive interpreter training using cooperative learning approaches. ATA Chronicle: A Publication of the American Translators Association. Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 22-26.
- Chen, Sheng-jie & Hensey, Fritz. G. (2000). A structured decomposition model of a non-language-specific interpreter-training program. Studies of Translation and Interpretation, No. 4, pp. 81-120.
- Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2000). Generic interpreter-training in an integrated and simulation model Journal of Humanities and Sciences, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology , No. 3, pp. 57-76.
- Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2000). 國小英語課程活動設計基本概念 (Basic concepts of classroom activity design for elementary school English courses), 人文及社會學科教學通訊 .( Humanities and Social Sciences Review ) No. 4, pp. 105-118 .
- Chen, Sheng-jie & Hensey, Fritz. G. (2001). The first workshop on the teaching of interpreter training held in Taiwan, Republic of China. ATA Chronicle: A publication of the American Translators Association . Vol. 30: No.9, pp. 36-41).
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2000). Memory enhancement in interpreter training—A southwestern U.S. case study. Proceedings of the American Translators Association 41 st Annual Conference , 20-23, 2000. 135-141.
- Chen, Sheng-Jie. (2000). The implementation of a consecutive interpretation course in a department of applied foreign languages at a university of science and technology in Taiwan. Proceedings of the First Conference of Department of Applied Foreign Languages at National Kaushung First University of Science and Technology , Dec. 8, pp. 211-220.
- Chen, Sheng-jie (2001). The Implementation of a Pronunciation Course for Promising Interpreters. The Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on the Application of English Teaching, 36-44.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (2000). Interpreting in Taiwan . The Interpreters Voice, Vol. 3, Issue 2, summer, 2000, pp. 1, 3.
- Chen, Sheng-jie. (1999). Teaching and learning in a non-language specific interpreter- training course . Unpublished doctoral dissertation, the University of Texas at Austin.
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Conference Interpretation Experience
- Simultaneous interpreting for " Taiwan MTBE Clean Fuels Workshop" in Taipei, September 6, 2007.
- Interpreting for the Press Conference of 2009 Boesendofer Piano Contest Open-selection Contest in Taipei Evergreen Laurel Hotel, August 20, 2007.
- Simultaneous interpreting for a conference for Center for International Studies at Tokyo, Japan, August, 2007 (To protect the institutions involved, the title of the conference and the name of the institution shall remain anonymous).
- Interpreting for contract negotiation for National Kaohsiung Arts Center Planning, Design and Construction Supervision Project of ROC Council for Cultural Affairs in Taipei, July 23-24, 2007.
- Conference interpreting for Manulife Insurance Company: "Global Strategic Views on Cross Asset Investment: A Key to Becoming Richer and a Shield Against Inflation" in Taipei and Taoyuan. 2007.
- Interpreting for the Seminar on Manufacturing and Use of Cream and Cheese in Agora Garden, Taipei, 2007.
- Simultaneous interpretation for "International Conference on Art Industries and Art Education" organized by National Taipei University of Education in Taipei on Oct. 13, 2006.
- Simultaneous interpreting for California Management Institute for E. Schaniel and Richard Nicholson (from Boeing Company, USA) on "Transforming Your Organization into a World-class Leader—The Story of the C17 Program: The Magic is in the People" in Taipei on June, 7, 2006.
- Simultaneous interpreting for the Hugo Boss Sales Training Workshop in Taipei, 2004.
- Simultaneous interpreting for a Personnel Training Workshop of GE (General Electrics) Co. USA in Taipei, 2004.
- Simultaneous interpreting for a conference in Children’s Arts Festival of Taipei City Government in Taipei, 2004.
- Simultaneous interpreting for a conference on printing machinery sponsored by Kaigo Co. Ltd. And the German Trade Office in Taipei, 2004.
- Simultaneous interpreting for the Extension Education Program of National Taiwan University in Taipei, 2003.
- Simultaneous interpreting for the 10th anniversary of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, in Taiwan, 2001.
- Simultaneous interpreting at an Investment Promotion Seminar for Malaysia Department of Agriculture in Taipei, 2003.
- Simultaneous interpreting for Taiwan Advocates, at the conference on the Security at Taiwan Straits in Taipei. 2003.
- Simultaneous interpreting for Ford Motor Co. USA at a training seminar in Taipei. 1994.
- Simultaneous interpreting for Herballife at a training seminar in Taipei, 1994.