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   碩士班專區   學士班專區   翻譯中心   系友會 
  專任教師  兼任教師
Chi-Lin Wang
王啟琳 副教授







  • Wang, C. (2003). From English orthography-phonology correspondence to phonics instruction. Tunghai Journal, 44, 280-308.

  • Wang, C. (1999). Phonological aspects of second language acquisition. Tunghai Journal, 40(1), 39-64. 1999.

  • Broselow, E., S. I. Chen, and C. Wang (1998). The emergence of the unmarked in second language phonology. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20(2), 1998. (SSCI)


  • Wang, C. (2007, April). Character education in a foreign language classroom: Experiencing Charlotte’s Web. Paper presented at the 2007 Curriculum Reform Conference, National Taiwan Normal University, Linko Campus.

  • Wang, C. (2006, March). Developing oral and writing skills through dialogues and plays: The Tunghai experience. Paper presented at the First Shih Chien Conference on English Teaching and Learning, Taipei.

  • Wang, C. (2003, November). A Study of Classroom Interactions: Foreign Teachers vs. Taiwanese Students. Paper presented at the Twelfth International Symposium of English Teaching, Taipei.

  • Wang, C. (2002). Teaching cross-cultural communication in the EFL context. In Proceedings of the Sixth Cross-Strait Conference on Foreign Language Education, 121-131. Taipei: Tamkang University.

  • Wang, C. (2002, November). Phonics instruction in professional development programs for EFL teachers. Paper presented at The Eleventh International Symposium on English Teaching. Taipei.

  • Wang, C. (2002, April). Crisis or opportunity? Issues on Phonics for L2 Acquisition. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting (AAAL 2002), Salt Lake City, USA.

  • Wang, C. (2000). Preparing EFL teachers to teach pronunciation to young learners. The Proceedings of the Conference of ELT Curriculum for Young Learners in East Asia 2000 (pp.133-137). Taipei: The British Council and National Taiwan Normal University.

  • Wang, C. (1999, November). The Use of Phonics for Children's EFL Learning. Paper presented at The Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei.

  • Wang, C. (1999, December). Teaching English pronunciation to Taiwanese children. Paper presented at the International Conference on ESL/EFL Literacies in the Asia-Pacific Region, Taichung.

  • Wang, C. (1998). Pronunciation instruction and second language proficiency. In Katchen, J. and Y. Leung (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on English Teaching. (pp. 825-831). Taipei: The Crane.

  • Wang, C. (1998, April). Phonological aspects of second language acquisition. Invited paper at the Linguistics Colloquium, Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Tsu.

  • Wang, C. (1998, March). Adapting ESL materials for EFL learning. Paper presented at TESOL 98 Convention, Seattle, Washington.

  • Wang, C. (1997, November). Teaching English pronunciation to low proficiency students. Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei.

  • Wang, C. (1997, March). Electronic Dictionaries and EFL Composition. Paper presented at TESOL 97 Convention, Orlando, Florida.

  • Wang, C. (1996, December). Language Transfer: Chinese Bisyllabicity and Chinese EFL Students' Pronunciation Errors. Paper presented at the International Language in Education Conference (ILEC) 96, Hong Kong.

  • Wang, C. (1996). Electronic Dictionaries in EFL Learning. In Katchen, J. and Y. Leung (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on English Teaching. (pp. 169-173). Taipei: The Crane.

  • Wang, C. (1992, October). Mokilese Reduplication and Prosodic Phonology. Paper presented at the Linguistics Colloquium, State University of New York at Stony Brook.

  • Wang, C. (1990, January). Understanding Chinese ESL Students - Cultural Background and Learning Patterns. Paper presented at the Cross-cultural Communication Workshop, State University of New York at Stony Brook.


  • 王啟琳 (2003) 國小英語字母拼讀,第四至八冊,台北市:康軒文教。

  • 王啟琳 (2002) 國小英語字母拼讀,第一至三冊,台北市:康軒文教。

  • 王啟琳 (2001) 外語教學中的人文教育, 東海大學文學院主編, 美學與人文精神,頁 33 -49. 台北市:文史哲出版社。

  • Wang, C. (2001) 國小英語教學試用改良式字母拼讀法的探討。 國科會專題研究計劃成果報告,89-2411-H-029-021。

  • 王啟琳 (1999) 國中國小的英語發音教學原則。陳秋蘭、廖美玲主編,嶄新而實用的英語教學,頁 119-134, 台北市:敦煌書局。

  • Wang, C. ((1995). The Acquisition of English Word-final Obstruents by Chinese Speakers, Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook.